"Two words: LEVEL UP!!!!!! Holy hell! ... They will blow the audience’s mind!"

"If you’re familiar with the band Primus, imagine a saner version of them and you’ll be on the path that leads to the road that sits on the hill that Scarfoot inhabit. Lovely guys too!"

"Enter stage right their new bass player, Rhys ... I am really excited to see where this rebirth takes them next!"

Phil Eakins

Phil makes up the backbone of Scarfoot with the percussion down the centre line and is one of the singers. He is also one of the founding members of Scarfoot all the way back on the beach in Cornwall. Found in sand, made by rock.
Rhys Jones
Texture supreme. When you don't know what you're hearing, it's Rhys. With a wild mind and sensors above the sky the vibrations of Rhys' vision are channeled through the electricity and we are the lucky few who get to witness this first hand.
Oliver Carins

Another one of the founding members, Oliver is the sonic visionary for the sound of Scarfoot. There is no secret, just the 11 string beauty and electric steel. Oliver is also another singer for Scarfoot.


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